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Tulip Love Book & Workshop events, please see... http://tuliplove.com/tulipevent.htm
2019 Tulip love Book talk Helen’s Store, Amirim, Galilee ~~~~~~~ Tulip Regal Feast Jerusalem ~~~~~~~ Tulip Love Event Rechavia ~~~~~~~ Tulip Love Book talk & Meditation Gothenburg, Sweden ~~~~~~~ 2018 Sabbatical Tulip Love Events were on hold, as Eva Ariela took a brake from the usual workshops and book events. ~~~~~~~ 2017 Tulip @ Talbiye, Jerusalem January ~ Tulip Center, Jerusalem ~~~~~~~ Tulip Love book talk Vattumannen Bookstore ~~~~~~~ Tulip love Booktalk and Workshop Forever Company ~~~~~~~ Tulip love Workshop, Marin Workshop ~~~~~~~ Chanukah ‘Dance in Art’ PartyZichron Art Center ~~~~~~~ 2016 Tulip @ Talbiye, Jerusalem February ~ Adar I ~~~~~~~ Full Moon – TLC workshop Co-Ed ~~~~~~~ March ~ Adar II ~~~~~~~ 5th DIM HAPPENING ~~~~~~~ Regal Feast @ Tulip ~~~~~~~ New Moon/Rosh Chodesh - Nissan ~~~~~~~ Full Moon – TLC workshop Co-Ed ~~~~~~~ New Moon/Rosh Chodesh- Adar I ~~~~~~~ 5th DIM HAPPENING @ First Station, Jerusalem ~~~~~~~ Full Moon – TLC workshop Co-Ed ~~~~~~~ Summer Break: June to Sept. 2016 ~~~~~~~ EVENTS in EUROPE 2016 Tulip Love Talk @ Vattumannen Bookstore ~~~~~~~ TULIP LOVE ~ The ABC Tree Hut in The Hague ~~~~~~~ Joodse Gemeente Amsterdam ~~~~~~~ Best to RSVP and if you need directions, please email me 2015 EVENTS @ TULIP in JERUSALEM Monday, 24 November, 7.30 Yehoshua Engelman is a psychotherapist and teaches at Othniel Hesder Yeshiva and other adult education frameworks, was founder and rabbi of Yakar Study Center in TA and is composer of Jewish music. Light Refreshments Served. Suggested donations will kindly be accepted; ~~~~~~~ Saturday, 13 December, 7-11pm Poetry and Readings with the theme 'LIGHT in our LIVES' 8.30 pm Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman from Ohr Chadash ~ songs, music, stories invoking Chanukah and the Light to come. ~~~~~~~ Monday, 22 Dec. at 7.30 pm In December, Saturn will enter Sagittarius and the New Moon will be a special one. Dalia will share about the archetypal formations of our planets and the stars and the current intense energies we feel in our world. EVENTS in SWEDEN 23 August, 7pm ~~~~~~~ Thursday, 27 August, 2015, 5.30 – 7pm TULIP Events @ Tulip Center 2014 Every Full Moon we will host the Tulip Love Healing workshops ~ TLC events, Thursday, 6 November, Tulip Love Community Thursday, 4 December , Tulip Love Community INFO ABOUT THE TULIP WORKSHOPS Thursday evenings around FULL MOON ~ TLC Workshop, Rosh Chodesh Events @ Tulip Center - 2015 @ Tulip Center
2013 ~ TLC ~ TULIP LOVE COMMUNITY events Tulip Center, Talbiye, Jerusalem *Tulip Love Book Talks, Lectures and Meditations *Tulip Love Healing workshops for groups and individuals, open for all walks of life, *Individual Tulip Healing and Spiritual guidance. *Special Private Hostings at the Flowery Tulip space. Birthday Celebrations, Family Gatherings and Bridal showers and more... 2012 Bay Area Events: SHABBAT BLESSING CEREMONY with EVA, JULY 5, 7pm JULY 5-8 ~ Peace like a River,Stanislaus River, Knights Ferry, CA www.riverguidess.com/ SHABBAT BLESSING CEREMONY with EVA, JULY 5, 7pm JULY 5-8 ~ Peace like a River,Stanislaus River, Knights Ferry, CA www.riverguidess.com/ TREE HOUSE, Shabbaton, Fridays, 13 July & 20 July, 7.30pm Novato, Marin (few exits after Marin County in the Bay Area) TULIP TEMPLE EVENT, The White House, San Rafael,Thursday, 26th July, 7pm For Details call: (510) 527-4389 & for Directions Call 415 312 3112 TULIP HEALING EVENTS, July 23, Harbin Hotsprings, Middletown, California, STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN: A TULIP LOVE HEALING WEEKEND; 17-19 August Natural foods with The WORK exercises by Byron Katie, with Dagmar de Zalenska & Eva A. Lindberg 2011-2012 Events at the TULIP LOVE CENTER in Jerusalem, Israel New & Full Moon ~ Tulip Love Healing Events Every 1st & 3rd Thursday of the month at 7.00 pm - 11.00 pm.
BOOK TALKS: TULIP LOVE, A Healing Model for Individuals and Communities Tulip Love: Talk about the Tulip Healing Model, Symbology, Kabbalah and much more. Tulip Healing Meditation, Healing and Guided Imagery how to Blossom into an inner flower consciousness, to be-friend our own tender vulnerabilities, how to take responsibility for our own self and create mature actions in life, by owning our Regal Self, an ego-less and benevolent power of true manifestation. The subtle languague of the Tulips knows how to envelop our being, mind and soul, leaving us with a delicate reassurance of self love and kindness. Suggested Donation: $10-20 2010 Events at the TULIP TEMPLE, Marin, California... BELL BATH concert with Matt Venuti Matt Venuti from the great music ensemble "The Venusians" will give an intimate concert at TT with his Pan Art Hangs. Visit Matt's youtube channel for a variety of his Hang videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/hangsoul Donations: $10-20 ≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈ TULIP LOVE, A Healing Model for Individuals and Communities Tulip Love: Talk about the Tulip Healing Model, Symbology, Kabbalah and much more. Tulip Healing Meditation, Healing and Guided Imagery how to Blossom into an inner flower consciousness, to be-friend our own tender vulnerabilities, how to take responsibility for our own self and create mature actions in life, by owning our Regal Self, an ego-less and benevolent power of true manifestation. The subtle languague of the Tulips knows how to envelop our being, mind and soul, leaving us with a delicate reassurance of self love and kindness. Suggested Donation: $10-20 www.tuliplove.com ≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈ 2008 Events at the TULIP TEMPLE, Marin, California. MEMORIAL EVENING for my Mother PROF. STENDIG-LINDBERG, and our Parents who passed away, come and listen and/or share about your loss, bring photos and stories. Tuesday, August 12, 7:30 pm.
Sharing my Mother’s life story, photos from childhood in Poland, medical school in Ireland, the WWII, her poetry and talking about her work in the world as a scientist, psychiatrist and physician. www.profmagnesium.com Flame Meditation and a Short Peace Prayer For The World. ≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈ PERFORMANCE BY GENINE BAREL, FROM NEW YORK. 26 August, Tuesday evening, 8 pm, $10 – 15 Sliding Scale “Rebirthing the Divine: a Journey to Kabbalah," performance describes the spiritual journey that took Genine from New York to Tzefat, the Israel mystical city, with a detour in the Far East. It touches on the creative feminine, motherhood, Jewish mysticism and the struggle to shift from a human "doing" to a human BEING. ≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈ • "TIKKUN KLALI" MEDITATION and TEACHINGS by RABBI NACHMAN Brief Kabbalah History, Explaining the meaning of Tikkun Klali, the great CD style Kabbalistic El Hadra music, heals the soul and the body… Tikkun (repair) of the world, the spilling of seeds idea (not an easy topic but important to understand its influence in our world), the meditation itself, Rabbi Nachman sayings, the Hitbodedut in nature meditation and more. ≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈ •TULIP TEMPLE HEALING EVENT: www.tuliptemple.com Healing, Meditation, in the spirit and decor of the Tulip, its metaphor and relaxing ambiance. Sunday, Sept. 21, 2008, 5-10 pm. Woodacre, Marin. A Benefit for Mark Price, our wonderful Tulip Healer. All Donations, $ 15-20, will go to the recovery of Mark's health. Tulip Temple Healing Event, Woodacre, Sept 21st, 5pm – 10 pm. You are welcome to come back and enjoy the Tulip Healing space in Woodacre, Marin. The Tulip Healing events occur in community settings with a team of healers, this approx. 5 hours evening is an invitation for us to relax into our own being-hood, through the metaphor of the delicate Tulip and our inner Blossom; this healing process welcomes us to be fully pampered, treated like innocent children as well as exploring our own Regalness in the Kingdom and Queendom of other beautiful flowers ...like you! Tender music, refreshments, loving care and a piece of mind awaits you....a sacred space to connect to innocence, beauty, in midst of our busy lives. Afterglow Delight: Music by Michael Olsen and singing with Celestine Star.... Suggested Donations: $20 This Tulip Temple event will be a Benefit for Mark Price, our wonderful Tulip Healer. All donations will go to his recovery and medical help. PLEASE RSVP by 19th Sept. For Directions Please call (510) 527-4389, or email evadeva@earthlink.net. the book Tulip Love explains the Tulip Healing model. visit the sanctuary in Marin, which holds group and individual healing. For Private Healing Appointments or Directions Please call (510) 527-4389, or email: evadeva@earthlink.net. ≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈ SACRED PRE-EQUINOX FULL MOON, peace circle up on Mount Tam, Marin County at the lookout, Sept 15, Monday, meeting at 6.00 pm.
Michael Andersen who guards the mountaintop will host us for a pre-equinox peace gathering at the Lookout. Using Guided Imagery meditation, color visualization to bring our loving blessings to the entire area around the mountain and the Bay area, and our world, with its 360-degree view, AMAZING power spot!
2007 Events at the TULIP TEMPLE, Marin. Book Signing Event; TULIP LOVE New Release, OPEN SECRET Bookstore & Cultural Center, San Rafael: Wed., 11th July, 2007, 7 pm. www.opensecretbookstore.com TULIP LOVE; A Healing Model for Individuals and Communities The book talk explains how the Tulip Healing System works. In addition the following information will be provided: the Healing Properties of Tulips; the Flower’s History, such as the “Tulipomania” period; Botany; Planting tips; Mythology; Kabbalah; Archetypal meaning; “Tulip beings” from ancient rock art and more. Tulip means Perfect Love in Ancient Mythology. The Tulip symbol comes as a metaphor of how we can enhance our inner beauty through self-empowerment and restore beloved relationships through meditation, healing and drama therapeutic enactments. We live in stress-based, touch-deprived and alienating times. The Tulip Healing Modality, caters to these neglected societal (human) needs as it encompasses all walks of life, ages and faiths, through the metaphor of the blooming process in us humans. It describes how the symbol of the Tulip-which holds a promising allure - enhances our Inner Beauty and encourages Inner Power, as we connect to ourselves and others. ≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈ Extraordinary Peacemaker, Eliyahu McLean, coming to the Bay Area this week! ELEVATING THE SPARKS OF PEACE: stories of hope and reconciliation. Monday, July 30, 8 PM , San Rafael, Open Secrets Book Store, hosted by Tulip Temple, 923 C St, between 3rd and 4th St., phone 415-457-4191 Peace Prayers, Zikr Dancing and Interfaith Presentation. Elevating the Sparks of Peace: stories of hope and reconciliation Eliyahu McLean from the Holy Land and the Middle East, works with Rodef Shalom, Jewish, Christian, Muslim and Druze religious leaders re-claim religion as a source for peace. He is also a regular participant in a study-group of observant Jews and Sufis, 'The Path of Abraham.' He is also involved with the Jerusalem Hug project, www.loversofjerusalem.org. Tulip Healing and Guided Meditation by Eva Ariela Lindberg. Followed by a Zikr for peace in Hebrew and Arabic. RebbeSoul with special guests. Suggested Donation: $10 Eliyahu was initiated as a 'Rodef Shalom', 'Peace Pursuer' by Reb Zalman Schachter Shalomi. Eliyahu's work with Palestinian Sufis is written about in the book "At the Entrance to the Garden of Eden: A Jew's Search for God with the Christians and Muslims in the Holy Land" by Yossi Klein Halevi www.jerusalempeacemakers.org www.sulha.com www.rebbesoul.com ≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈ KABBALAH HEALING MEDITATION WITH THE "Tikkun Haklali" CD. Tuesday, July 3rd, 7pm, at the Tulip Temple in Woodacre, Marin. The CD, a Kabbalistic El Hadra style; is a very healing music that purifies the soul, the emotional body and our physical conditions. Eva Ariela will explain the meaning of these 10 psalms sung in the CD and its messages of repairing our world, our soul and body, as well as give a healing during the listening of the relaxed meditation to enhance its vibration. 8pm SPECIAL GUEST APPEARANCES Rebbe Soul (www.rebbesoul.com) will sing with us song of inspiration....songs and guitar. Then a special visit from Sweden; Frida & Hakan Borgstrom from Gothenburg, Sweden "Spelmanslag fran Bjorko". Swedish Folklore and Acoustics! An interesting combination! Participation: $11. For directions to the Tulip Temple or more information, email or call (510) 527-4389.
2006 Events at the TULIP TEMPLE, Marin. Tulip Temple Healing & New Moon Healing Music! Saturday, May 27, Woodacre Sanctuary, CA. MUSIC Performance - 7 pm by Osher (Didj Player & Singer) and Jon-Jon, (Aud & Guitar), and Didj Healers...www.happydidj.com Tulip Temple Healing, 8.30Come and Enjoy yet again the Tulip Temple Ambiance, the Flower healing with its symbolism for self love and empowerment.... come for the pampering that you deserve! Bring a new Friend, this is a time to relax away from busy life and remember to lovingly reconnect to YOU and the community! For More INFO re the event, call (510) 527-4389 or see www.tuliptemple.com. Enjoy a New Moon night filled with Music, Healing and refreshments. For the whole evening - $18 - $36 (sliding scale). For lack of funds, Volunteers are welcome! ≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈ Sound Healing with Matt Venuti and his "Venusian Hang Drums" Thursday evening - June 1 ~ 06.01.06 @ 8.30 pm Matt Venuti will lead us in a special meditation and vibrational sound healing journey with his Hangs...beautiful 9-tone metallic hand drums. More info on the Hang: http://www.venusians.com/instruments.html 10.00 Suggested Donation Join us in the Tulip Ambiance... ≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈ TULIP HEALING WORKSHOP ≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈ You are welcome to come back and enjoy the Tulip Healing space in Marin. Usually Tulip Healing events occur in community settings with a team of healers, this approx. 3 hours workshop is more a teaching of the essential archetypes used in the healing process. Tender Inner Tulip work, Meditation and Guided Imagery for you Inner Blossom, Inner Tender Tulip and Regal Tulip Self; ≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈ www.tuliplove.com ≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈